infovox4, the all-in-one local & portable Talking companion for visually impaired, includes the NVDA screenreader to allow instantaneous access to any computer, any time. Just plug the infovox4 USB to any computer and the NVDA screenreader will immediately start to read aloud what is on the screen, using the Acapela voices.
The NVDA project enables blind and vision impaired people to use a computer by communicating what is on the screen using a synthetic voice or braille. NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) is the only screen reader for Microsoft Windows that is totally free, yet fully functional and portable.
NVDA has been downloaded more than 60,000 times and is available in over 43 languages.
At Acapela Group we are ardent supporters of this great open source project and we are proud to take part of their support, by donating 5$ to NV Access for each sold unit of infovox4.
As a testimony of this cooperation, NV access has now listed infovox4 among the available speech solutions to be used with the NVDA screenreader.
Thank you NV Access for your tremendous work for the Visually impaired community worldwide!